We modeled our entire Euro Election campaign on the Battle of Britain and the sacrifice willingly made by hundreds of thousands of brave Britons to defend our homeland during the Second World War. What a fitting end to that campaign when the British National Party achieved a momentous victory, a mighty blow against the enemies of the British people.
It is hard to imagine living in today's twin-turbo, computerized consumer society the enormous bravery, heroism and sacrifice gladly endured by the legions of dead war heroes who gave their lives for our island homeland.
The heroes who fell in Dunkirk, the Battle of Britain, the Convoys, D-Day, North Africa and the Far East did not give their lives for 'multiculturalism', or 'political correctness', or for the 'EU', or for immigration, or to see their homeland become a bankrupt slum inundated with asylum seekers and immigrants. They died to keep this country British, to keep our nation free, sovereign and independent
This is the truth and always been so since the fifties. What the suffering white underclass were fully unaware of was the vast amount of corruption hidden behind Human rights, racism and political correctness... all cleverly concealed by Blair and his acerbic wife, only since she , the brilliant one, realizing reality was upon them , as the Ceausescu's, did they take the money and run, leaving Gormless Gordon eagerly holding the can. Blair and co "got away".. so far.
I have no idea of BNP polices or what they stand for, other than the quite obvious, irrelevant anyway. I am thinking historically. If Mr. Griffin has the same fortune to be backed as Hitler.... for quite the wrong reasons. Hitler’s backers genuinely thought he would save Germany from the rot which has now encompassed the World. But Hitler had quite different ideas.
Opportunities have to be seized from which ever angle they may come from, there is no time left.
“ Action is eloquence.”
William Shakespeare
Customs officers raid £1.2million council house occupied by Afghan mother of seven
By Daily Mail Reporter
As a close follower of the BNP and since the full coverage of "troughminster" has broken, there is a void, a uneasy calm.
I see no reason why the BNP cannot fill this void. Luck, opportunity, money and deviousness are required, plus ruthless determination. Does Mr. Griffin possess all this and have the charisma of a Hitler.. ?? If he does not .. may as well shut up shop and let the Afghans live it up here. I am quite sure no one knows which way "England" is going too go, especially those in the highest echelons of power.
Those who can , as Blair, have taken the money and run.
There are no leaders in “Great Britain” only devious, corrupt, perverts .
Welcome Sharia Law ..it could hardly be worse, a few hands caught in the till chopped off.
Proportionately, some women, quite beautiful, intelligent and will be the pivotal point of the now situation.. their desires, wants and aspirations for thousands of years thwarted, by male dominance, aggression and disregard, they now look to the “West” ……? A faint hope.. for them ? I wonder.
“The” final point all politicians avoid with great emphasis being that “Modern Woman” no longer goes quite along with the idea of children, a very hot subject with Muslim men who treat any such ideas with a accident,, such as the woman inadvertently being scalded to death by boiling oil and backed by the English Judiciary as “ accidental death” or simply shoving them off to Wogga Wogga land to be forcibly married to some half civilized creature and bring it back to dear Blighty where he need never work again , his comfort provided in ratio to the number of children he pumps out by the “English!!?” Some councils degree that Council housing to Muslims have to posses two kitchens……..amongst other incentives for breeding….
Bucharest, 2002. The ”Transition”
14 years ago
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