Sailor Boys

Bullingdon Boys - Our "Betters"

The Bullingdon Club of 1992: pictured are (1) George Osborne, (2) Harry Mount, (3) Chris Coleridge, (4) Lupus von Maltzahn, (5) Mark Petre (6) Peter Holmes a Court, (7) Nat Rothschild, (8) Jason Gissing
“We will fight them on the beaches, we will
fight them on the sea and in the air ... we will never

Jack Straw, King Vaz the First, the Blair gang, "Lord Mandelson", those in the European Commission crooked money cartel, those deeply entrenched in the Citadels of Power, all make positively sure that those words never appear and are never
heard ,or repeated “anywhere”.

English men? Nothing more than plastic, processed, balls of fat, their eyes can only see a pint of beer, a pair of knickers, their “favourite” football field. Their brains can only count to five, about the maximum amount of goals usual in any match.

My sincere regards to all women, whatever their cause.


Wednesday, 17 February 2010

George Osborne’s brother gave drugs to prostitute addicted to cocaine

Paul Cheston and Sophie Goodchild
Evening Standard, 16.02.10

Dr Osborne is accused of misconduct because he supplied drugs to friends without amending their records or informing their GPs. He admits the charges, but denies that his current fitness to practise is impaired.

The allegations date back to a period between June 2006 and May 2008 when Dr Osborne was a trainee psychiatrist at Wythenshawe Hospital near Manchester. This is the second time the millionaire's son has appeared before the GMC — in 2008 he was suspended before later being allowed to practise again, with conditions.

Dr Osborne, who last year converted to Islam so he could marry Bangladeshi-born plastic surgeon Rahala Noor, is currently a specialist in psychiatric care at the John Howard Centre — a mental health unit in Hackney.

There was a time when kicking a man when he is down was not done, this no longer considered with the gutter grasping mindless mentality of those in power. Now anything is applicable if it helps their rampant lust for power, money and sex... ( Lenient - from 104 Morning Lane, Hackney).

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