Trevor Phillips is one of the most powerful creatures in England, the political mafia are quite apprehensive of him, as, if upset, he simply nods his head and thirty thousand or more Muslims will immediately appear, foaming mouthed, shouting and gesticulating in Westminster and surroundings, or any other designated area of his choice.
Obviously the establishment are completely out maneuvered by such a show of force… simply close their eyes and walk away as they did with the arrival of Geert Wilders when he landed at Heathrow to give a speech in London re the rise of Islam in Europe. The man was immediately flown back to the Netherlands… unlike immigrants who are allowed to remain here illegally for all time, such is the fear of Trevor Phillips who reigns from the seat of power in Luton, the essential centre of political England now, not as previous, within the dark corridors and soft suede shoes of Westminster.
Acquiescence has been the word from the moment Bush told Blair to attack Saddam Hussein for his Oil. “If” (‘as one American general so lucidly put it) “ If there were only carrots growing in the Middle East no one would give a fuck.”
The phony war in the Middle East is simply a power struggle for power, the power of petroleum
Much shouting continues in the media about the rights and wrongs of this simmering situation and great detail , great beating of breasts, as the fallen dead from this far flung outpost arrive back, they having fought simply for ‘ Big Business” without the realization. The number of dead being counted in hundreds, which immediately reflects the paucity of this conflict, at the Somme, fifty six thousand men died in one day… that was War.
In the scramble to get down Bethnal Green underground during the Blitz, someone tripped and two hundred and forty three people died in the crush, I know this because I was there. A plaque remains over the entrance. That was also war.
I remain sanguine about the aspirations of Islam, as said many times, there is one “Fatal Fundamental Flaw” to the dominantly male, malevolent, Muslim movement…
Their women.
They posses mobile phones , watch television, want what other women have …and slowly occurring to them that children are not all they are cracked up to be, not a “necessity” or “obligation” Other women do have the choice….. at the same time not quite wanting to be mysteriously engulfed in boiling cooking oil, finding themselves quite dead…..any of the sixty five Sharia courts in England saying “Accidental Death”. The male of the situation simply bringing into the country another woman to add to his collection of four … At one time I was quite taken back that Hackney Council strictly condoned housing these people the moment they arrived…stating that if one house was not enough, two should be knocked together, also stipulating that two kitchens are mandatory. It is also mandatory that all “arrivals” are housed within twenty four hours. This applies to all of England
My family waited ten years for a “council flat” finished up in Lea View House, Hackney. I watched, as my father surreptitiously handed over the pound notes. The press, at that time hailed it as “Heaven in Hackney”. So actually, nothing has changed, other than the real fact of having a black face is essential in present Hackney, previously, it was corruption as to whom gets what… so, simply add the two together.. and go to Mare Street ..you get a lovely apartment, rent free and “other benefits” making work unacceptable if you play your cards correctly , four wives and any number of kids, adds up to a payout equal to that of a Prime Minister, which is why there is a large impatient mass of the World’s Unwanted at Calais, waiting to be surreptitiously let into England by the border guards, who, at whatever moment, are given the nod to look the other way, why the French laugh at the England bound beggars… their system is not conducive to the soft life at the taxpayers expense or do they want a landscape filled with Mosques.
The Big Shot Mullahs or whatever these creatures call themselves are totally aware of that which is happening with their women…the repercussions ….
The Mullahs totally in disarray, resorting to King Canute tactics, at 21st century developments.
These male pigs use violence in any form possible to stamp their dominance, to impose their will ..there lies the danger. Their determination reflected in Afghanistan
The tide of women’s aspirations, wants, desires, cannot be whipped back.
Through women, there will be some hope.
And would it have been worth it, after all,
After the cups, the marmalade, the tea,
Among the porcelain, among some talk of you and me,
Would it have been worth while,
To have bitten off the matter with a smile,
To have squeezed the universe into a ball
To roll it towards some overwhelming question,
To say: "I am Lazarus, come from the dead,
Come back to tell you all, I shall tell you all"--
If one, settling a pillow by her head
Should say: "That is not what I meant at all;
That is not it, at all."
With apologies to T.S.Elliot.
Trevor Phillips Declares War on BNP!
Arch-leftwing Lenin-admirer Trevor Phillips and his gang of tax-eating jobsworths have started legal proceedings against the British National Party over our long-held and cherished "British-only" membership policy. Despite the fact that our existing membership criteria has been in force for nearly 30 years, the absurdly named "Equalities" Commission has only just decided that our reasonable, legal and totally understandable membership rules are "illegal" and contrary to the "Race Relations Act".
Black against Britain
Black Police Association, Black Londoners Forum, Black Information Link,
Operation Black Vote, Muslim Council of Britain, Black Heritage Organisation,
The Voice - newspaper, Board Of Deputies of British Jews, Jewish Telegraph,
The Black Police association, Black people's mental health association,
Black and Asian therapists online, National BME mental health network,
Federation of Black housing organizations, The Black Londoners forum,
Positive action in Housing, Asianfaces.co.uk Asian modelling service,
Society of Black lawyers, Society of Asian lawyers, BlackLawyersDirectory.com
asianjobsite.co.uk, BlackandAsiangrad.ac.uk, Ethnic media Group,
Al-Nisa Muslim Women's Group, Al-Nur Muslim Women's Association
Antrim Chinese Community Association, Barnardos Chinese Lay Health Project,
Chinese Welfare Association, BlackBritain.co.uk, EthnicBritain.co.uk,
Sussex Black police Association, The National Black Writers and Artist Association,
Black students AssociationUK, Black teachers Association, Black UK online,
UK Asian business directory, Asian People's Disability alliance, Asian arts agency,
Black Enterprise awards, BlackEngineer.com, Natwest Bank (Asian Entrepreneurs Unit),
Asian Voice, Black training and enterprise group, UK Black Pride ,
Ethnic Minority Foundation, Oshwal Elderly Welfare Association,
Ethnic Minority and Black Regional Action for Community Empowerment (EMBRACE),
Black and Minority Ethnic Elders Group, Latin American elderly project,
The Black Fundraisers Network, Black Arts Alliance, Southall Black Sisters,
Black student union, Dudley Black regeneration council, Black Professional Events,
Black Health Agency, National Association for the advancement of Black people,
African Caribbean Development agency (ACDA),
African caribbean education and training services (ACETS),
Afrik-African International Network, Asian mens group,
Somerset Black development agency (SBDA), Black families education support group